ED is no longer a taboo subject. It is estimated that 30 million American men suffer from ED and, for a great majority of them, the problem is solvable. A man is considered impotent if he does not have the ability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for normal sexual intercourse. For some, this can be devastating both physically and emotionally.

. Erections result from a complex combination of brain stimuli, blood vessel and nerve function, and hormonal actions. Anything that interferes with any of these factors can lead to impotence, and that can include arteriosclerosis, or peripheral vascular disease; the use of certain medications listed later in this section; alcohol, or cigarettes; a history of sexually transmitted disease; and chronic illness such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
Impotence is extremely common in men who have diabetes; the estimate is that 50 percent of men with diabetes are impotent, and that the other 50 percent will become im-potent over time. Hormonal imbalances such as low levels of thyroid hormone may also contribute to the problem. Low levels of the hormone testosterone are rarely the cause of ED. Testosterone is responsible for the process of desire, not for ED-but of course, lack of desire may be the problem. If desire is not there in the first place, it is difficult to either get or maintain an erection. Loss of libido (sexual de-sire) may be caused by depression, illness, or medications, and of course, a waning attraction to one’s partner.

ED may be chronic or recurring, or it may occur as a single isolated incident. One or two occurrences, however, are rarely thought of as impotent, although they may be up-setting at the time. Most of the men who have this problem are age forty or over (one in three men over sixty is affected), but those under forty may also have the problem.
In the past, it was assumed that impotence was primarily a psychological problem, but many therapists and physicians today believe that as many as 85 percent of all cases of impotence have some physical basis. Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries (one type of arteriosclerosis), poses a risk to the condition of both the heart. These plaques can also block the arteries leading to the genitals, interfering with the ability to attain an erection.
The Association for Male Sexual Dysfunction recognizes over 200 drugs that may cause impotence. Some of the most common are alcohol, antidepressants, antihistamines, antihypertensives, blood-pressure medication, cancer chemotherapy, diuretic, narcotics, nicotine, sedatives, steroids (if abused), stomach acid inhibitors, and ulcer medications.

Something Can Be Done About It.
At New Life , we specialize in different types of natural medicine for ED like Ozone therapy to detoxify and bring more oxygen to your bodies tissue or the Priapus shot (The “P” shot) using PRP, Prolozone or Stem Cells to restore damaged tissue. Our staff is experienced and compassionate. Contact us to find out how our powerful, all-natural approach can change your life. Call or click for a free and confidential consultation (678)-721-0096.
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