Hormonal changes can be difficult to manage, especially if you’re unaware of how the chemicals in your body work.
With age, there are changes in your body functions, sleep patterns, and energy levels – which is commonly associated with ‘aging’. What most people don’t realize is that these changes are caused by what is known as a ‘hormonal imbalance.
What Is a Hormonal Imbalance?
Hormones are chemicals in your body that are produced by the endocrine glands. Hormones move through your bloodstream to reach the organs and tissues in your body, and regulate functions like:
- Appetite and metabolism
- Sleep cycles
- Heart rate
- Sexual and reproductive functions
- Overall growth and development
- Mood and stress levels
- Body temperature
A hormonal imbalance occurs when your body produces too much or too little of the important hormones in your bloodstream. Although an occasional irregularity is not harmful, a major imbalance can have severe consequences on your health.

What Are the Types of Hormonal Imbalance in Men?
Testosterone is considered the primary male hormone, along with other hormones like cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones. Imbalance in any of these hormones may result in any of the 4 main types of hormonal imbalance in men.
- Andropause: Low testosterone levels can cause andropause, which is popularly known as ‘male menopause’.
- Adrenal fatigue: Low levels of cortisol, your stress hormone, can cause adrenal fatigue. Often resulting from long exposures to stress.
- Hypothyroidism: Underactive thyroid gland leading to low production of thyroid hormones, can cause hypothyroidism.
- Hyperthyroidism: An overactive thyroid gland can increase your metabolism and produce high levels of thyroid hormone. It can be surgically removed if necessary.

Hormone imbalances in men can contribute to:
- Decreased libido.
- Erectile dysfunction
- Sleep disorders.
- Decreased muscle mass and strength.
- General fatigue/decreased energy
- Increased risk for coronary artery disease or heart attack
- Hair loss or thinning
- Increased fat accumulation
- Urinary problems
- Decreased bone density or osteoporosis.
- Compromised immune function.
- Irritability and depression

Ways to Naturally Balance Your Hormones
- Add enough protein to your meals – Proteins provide essential amino acids in your body that help maintain muscle, skin, and bone health. Furthermore, protein affects the release of hormones ghrelin and leptin, that control appetite.
- Indulge in regular physical exercise – Physical exercise helps reduce insulin levels in your body and is beneficial to hormone regulation.
- Skip the refined sugar and carbs – Keep your sugar and carb levels in check to avoid developing diabetes, obesity, and other diseases.
- Manage stress effectively – The two major hormones affected by stress are cortisol and adrenaline. Try to allocate some time in your day to do things that help reduce your stress levels.
- Consume healthy fats – Include high-quality natural fats like fatty fish, avocados, dark chocolate, eggs, and nuts. This may help reduce insulin resistance and appetite and keep your hormones in check.
Male Hormone Panel Test
We use noninvasive saliva testing to evaluate levels of various hormones involved in male reproductive and sexual function. These panels include tests for seven to nine different hormones to give a comprehensive picture of male hormonal balance.
- Testosterone – This hormone is produced in the testes and is necessary for healthy male reproductive function. Testosterone helps to preserve lean body mass, bone density, cognitive function, red blood cell count, and libido. It is also the main testicular androgen and is a precursor to the highly potent dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Excessive amounts of testosterone promote hardening of the blood vessels, behavioral changes, prostate problems, and an increase in total cholesterol.
- Androstenedione – Another important reproductive hormone precursor. Is a weak (androgen) and a precursor to both male and female hormones. Unmonitored intake in men can lead to excessive conversion to estrogens with minimal male hormone production. In women, unmonitored intake usually causes excess male hormone production with body and facial hair growth.
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – Is made from testosterone in certain tissues. Conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone frequently increases with age. Excess DHT is associated with enlargement of the prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) and male pattern baldness.
- DHEA and DHEA-S – A hormone produced in the adrenal glands as a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. Supplementation of DHEA is common in hormone replacement therapy. Unmonitored intake can easily alter the delicate balance between male and female hormones.
- Estrone & Estradiol (Estrogens) – Frequently thought of as “female hormones”, estrogens play important roles in male health as well. High estrogens have been associated with breast enlargement, prostate cancer, fat redistribution, and obesity. Controlling estrogen levels can be helpful in treating systems of andropause. Estrone is an estrogen that both men and women produce in the fat cells. The more fat, the more estrone, which in turn promotes fat deposits. It is produced from androstenedione. Excess levels of estrone can cause breast enlargement and contribute to prostate enlargement. Estradiol is another estrogen that is much more powerful than estrone. It is partially formed in the testes but mostly in the other body tissues from both the testicular and adrenal androgens. High estradiol levels have been associated with breast enlargement, fat redistribution, and obesity.
- Progesterone – Progesterone is often perceived as a ‘female’ hormone; however, it is also produced in men and is a precursor to testosterone and estrogens. Elevated progesterone may be due to unintentional exposure and can lead to elevations in other hormones. It is a natural calming agent to the nervous system. It also keeps in check excessive DHT production in check and counterbalances the effects of excessive estrone. Unmonitored intake can lead to breast enlargement, depression and weight gain.
Because it is such a difficult subject for most men to talk about, many go undiagnosed. This is unfortunate because it can often be a simple correction once the right hormones have been identified as out of balance.
Our saliva tests are noninvasive, easy and inexpensive. To discuss your symptoms or to schedule a consultation please call our office at (678)-721-0096 or go to https://cartersville-chiropractor.com/contact/
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